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Friday, September 26, 2008

How to change User Passwords in Linux

In Linux you can easily change the password of your own account or other's account (if you have root account), through a very simple command from the terminal.

Change your own Password

If you want to change the password of your own account:

This command will suffice your job. Just type in the command in the terminal and then you will be prompted for your current password. Type your current password and then you will be prompted for the new password (the password you now ). You will be prompted for your new password twice. Now your password has been changed.

Change any user's Password

Now if you want to change the password of any other user, you can also do that easily if you have the access to the root account.
To change the password of "Acmeous" type in:
passwd Acmeous

Where Acmeous is the user whose password you want to change.
With this you can easily change the password of any user. Here you will not be prompted for the current password of the user.

Change a group's Password

Now you can also change the password of any group. To change Testing group's password, type in:
passwd -g Testing

Here also you will not be prompted for the current password of the group. You can use -r option with the -g option, which will remove the current password of the group. You can also use the -R option with the -g option, which will restrict the group for all users.


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