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Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts

Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to Enable Change Password for RoundCube Users on BlueHost

RoundCube is simply one of the best open source webmail application available today. Though this application has been created long back and the updates are little bit slow, RoundCube powers several webmail for several companies, including my own DesLabs. My favorite reason to choose RoundCube is that I can easily customize the user interface of the application to show my company logo and I can give several capabilities to my users without the RoundCube name.

Something that we might not like is the lack of an administration panel at the backend where we could have easily manage the features and settings for our webmail. One of such problems I faced when I wanted my webmail users should be able to change their passwords. I am using BlueHost as my web host and create and manage unlimited email accounts under several domains. By default RoundCube don't give the flexibility to allow users change their own passwords.

So here is how to allow RoundCube users to change their own passwords.

Friday, September 9, 2011

How To Password Protect a Website Page With .htaccess on Apache WebServers

As you might know, a website or webpage can be easily password protected from unauthorized access through several methods, easiest being the login screen where users need to enter their valid login credentials before they can access any page in a website. But in this case users can still easily access resources like images, scripts or other non-executable files from your site. If you want to password protect some particular webpage or directories or some specific urls within your site then the strongest protection to your webpage is the server side authorization by .htaccess.

Create a .htpasswd file in your Apache WebServer

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How to Create Data Validation Drop Down Lists in Google Docs Spreadsheet Cells Online

So many of us are now using online Google Documents Spreadsheets as an alternative to Microsoft Office Excel or many other popular desktop based software. Yes we get several advantages when we go online. Real time data synchronization and powerful spreadsheet sharing options has really made Google Docs Spreadsheets a success. Whether you stuck onto http://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ or http://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/, it is the same.

Now while creating Google Docs Spreadsheets we always want to have a drop down list of data validation menu from which we can choose some predefined data to fill in a particular column of cells. To have those Google Docs Drop Down lists in your Spreadsheets you just need to add Data Validation to that particular columns.

Steps to Add Google Docs Drop Down Data Validation Lists in Spreadsheets

Let us take a sample Google Docs Spreadsheet like this.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How to Create a Link To Smoothly Scroll To The Top of a Page by jQuery

"Go to top" is a very popular link that we use to put into web pages when pages tend to be long and users always need to go back to the top of the page to avail the options. Users can obviously go back by scrolling up and up and up. But we can also provide them with an option at the bottom of a page, clicking which will automatically take the user to the top of that page.

The most natural and effective way to do it is to place a "quick link" or "inpage link" which should be linked to the ID of the topmost element on the page.

Example of go to top link on a webpage:

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mobile Phone Optimized Blogger Templates - Make Your Blogger Blog For Mobile Devices

Blogger or Blogspot has introduced several useful Mobile templates which can dynamically change your existing blog into mobile phone optimized site. This is something, I am sure, a big slice of Blogger users were waiting for long. Now they can be relieved to have a very easy way to transform their blogs into mobile compatible websites by just choosing an option to enable it.

How to Turn on Mobile Templates for Blogger Blogs?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to Create Easy Collapsible and Expandable Lists in JavaScript

Here is a very quick and easy way to make your lists collapsible and expandable on clicks by using JavaScript. Now when presenting a long lists of item you can set them to remain collapsed on page load, but after that users can click and expand any of those list headings to see the full list of items. Unlike accordion, here users can easily open up all the lists one by one. Checkout the Demo of Collapsible and Expandable Lists which is created here.
First, just include a JavaScript file in your <header> section of the page -

<script src="http://www.acmeous.com/tutorials/demo/acmeousCollapsibleLists/acmeousCollapsibleLists.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Then just below it, within the <header> section of your page, add the following code -

Friday, March 18, 2011

Differences Between Strict and Transitional DOCTYPEs

Attributes which are deprecated in Strict DOCTYPEs:

  • align (allowed on elements related to tables only, like - col, colgroup, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, and tr)

  • target

  • language

  • background

  • link

  • hspace

  • noshade

  • nowrap

  • bgcolor

  • text

  • vspace

  • vlink

  • alink

  • height (allowed on img and object)

  • border (allowed on table)

  • width (allowed on img, object, table, col, and colgroup)

  • name (allowed in HTML 4.01 Strict, not allowed on form and img in XHTML 1.0 Strict)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gmail Changes Refresh Link to Button - A Notable Use Case for Information Architects

Now this time it is a relatively small change in Gmail that caught my eyes, but definitely it was not that small to remain un-noticed. Yes, the Refresh feature of Gmail. Frankly speaking I used this feature very less cause I was in a habit of clicking the Inbox link rather, and it was from the time when Refresh feature was not even available to Gmail.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Difference Between XHTML and HTML4

HTML is the Hyper Text Markup Language which is rendered by any web browser you use to visit any website or web application. Whatever programming language, whatever platform a website or web application uses, it drills down to HTML only for your browser. So HTML is the building block of the World Wide Web which has not seen much significant improvement during last 2 decades except the Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language - the XHTML.

Here are the very basic differences between HTML and XHTML -

1) All documents must be well formed and properly nested

<p>The food is <em>delicious</em></p> - Correct.
<p>The food is <em>delicious</p></em> - Wrong.

2) Elements and Attributes must be in lowercase

Monday, June 14, 2010

How to find embedded objects in a Microsoft Excel sheet or document

You can easily embed other documents within a Microsoft Excel document. Microsoft Excel incorporated that document within it. But many times it happens that you may have embedded some document within Microsoft Excel but you are not able to find it again. Many times the embedded document is placed in such a position where you may not be able to select that.

In that case you can select all the embedded objects in that Microsoft Excel document with it’s inbuilt feature to find embedded objects.
  1. Use the Go To option from the Edit menu or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + G to open the Go To dialog box.

  2. Click on Special.

  3. Select Objects in the Special dialog box.

  4. Click Ok.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

7 Tips To Protect Your MySpace Account Hacking

Today social networking platform has been very interesting. Ya, both for users and hackers. Being Open Social environment, Social Networking sites had always been a preferred choice for novice hackers to try out some cool, or should I say ugly, hacking techniques. Being in a risk prone media, you are the one who is responsible for your security. So here are some useful guidelines to keep yourself safe across all these.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Make your own website for free – just now!!!

Web is going to be the platform o future computing and networking. So why are you standing behind? Make you own website and mark a position among millions of people around the world. Today a web presence has become the signature of elegance and intelligence. But if you are thinking that you are not able to afford those high server costs then you are getting frightened in vain. Now you can easily make your own website for free. Ya! it’s that easy and realistic as I said it. Today we have several good web hosting service providers who offer their basic plans for free and you can avail them reliably to start you own website.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How to enable cURL support for PHP in Apache on Windows

So you want to enable cURL in your Apache Server? It is really easy and simple. But first you should check whether you have cURL already enabled on your server. Here is a very simple way to check:

Create a phpsetup.php file and put this code within it:

<? phpinfo(); ?>

Now view that phpsetup.php page from your browser and you will get all the details of your PHP setup on your server. Search for the “cURl support”. If you can’t find it then cURL support is not enabled on your system. But if you can find it and it shows “enabled” then you already have cURL enabled on your system.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How to find unused CSS classes and selectors within a website

Many times we think of using some class or id within a CSS but later on decide not to use them finally. But several times we forget to delete those classes from the CSS file. This may not be a problem for sites where the use of CSS is very less. But this may be accountable for much junk lines within your CSS which are unnecessary and unwanted.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Puzzled with Web Hosting Providers – Choose the Best Web Host for You

Are you planning to have your web presence or got pissed off your present Web Hosting provider and looking for a new Web Hosting Provider? So you would be looking here and there searching for different Web Hosting Providers and their reviews from different users. But as many sites you see and as many reviews you read, you are definitely going to be more confused and puzzled about them. Many times it’s really hard to come to any decision. Because the whole world is neither White nor Black, there are lots of shades of Gray.

Monday, December 15, 2008

SEO Tip: Promote the links linking to you, backlink the links which are backlinking you

I think you obviously know that it is very good to get backlinks from different sites to your site. If you don’t know then please read what is Backlinking and how it can help you in SEO. Now you can find out easily that which sites are linking to your site and its content. This can be done through any analytics software you use or even through some free online tools available.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

How to decrease the size of Flex Applications

While working on Flex you may have noticed that the application you design on Flex many times takes up a bit more disk space than it is intended. There are still some methods through which you can significantly decrease the size of those Flex applications up to 60-70 percent. Here is the detailed video of those processes to decrease the file size of your Flex files. Here you can see how a very simple Flex application of 375461 bytes is reduced to 50661 bytes.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Noindex Meta Tag - Prevent Search Engines from Indexing a Page in your Site

So you want to hide a page in your website from the Search Engines. This can be easily done by just adding a Meta tag in the head section of the page which you don’t want to be indexed by the Search Engines. In this way you will be telling the robots (Search Enignes) not to crawl that page and not to store it in their search database. For this that page in your site will not show up in any search results and users will not be able to find that page through searching in Search Engines.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

How to find a friend in Skype easily among a long list of contacts

skype logo
Are you mad of searching someone from your big friends list in your Skype Desktop client? You have many friends added in your Skype messenger and so whenever you want to talk to someone you have to find that person among such a long list and that’s frustrating. So here is the trick to find people easily on your Skype Desktop client.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

How to add link and script codes in the Head tag from the body section through JavaScript

Many times we need to add <script> or <link> tags for some selected pages of a website. In many websites we use Content Management Systems or some templates where we can’t add different headers to different pages. But in many pages we need some extra functionality through scripts and other codes which are used differently in different pages within that site. Sometimes we need to insert the scripts within the page body tag which is not at all Web Standards compliant. The scripts and links to css or JavaScript files should always be in the head tag.